COX Helps Shape the Future of Hornsby Town Centre

The draft plans for Hornsby Town Centre have been released, showcasing the Hornsby Shire Council’s mission to revitalise the ‘heart of the shire.’
Prepared by COX (with Tract, Urban Apostles, Brickfields Consulting, Hector Abrahams Architects, JLL and WSP), the masterplan identifies a series of recommendations and interventions that will transform the area into a thriving centre that exhibits economic diversity, design excellence, liveability, and sustainability.
The vision for the Hornsby Town Centre is, ‘a place for people that reflects the uniqueness of the bushland setting, integrated around key public spaces, where the city meets the bush.’
The masterplan will facilitate the creation of 4,500 homes (with 470 of those affordable dwellings) and 5,000 new jobs by 2035.

COX Director, Lachlan Abercrombie
With the anticipated growth of the Town Centre, we are drawing on the existing positive attributes of Hornsby, such as public transport links, health and education services, and retail opportunities, and further enhancing them to create quality of life for all.
Committee for Sydney Chief Executive Gabriel Metcalf said it was a ‘great example’ of how planning can accommodate growth while making a town centre more liveable.
‘The big move here is to focus growth around the rail station, which is exactly right,’ he said.
Committee for Sydney Chief Executive, Gabriel Metcalf
As everyone knows, Sydney has a housing shortage. No single project or plan can solve that, but this is an example of what we should be doing in lots of places.

With projected population growth and demographic shifts in the next 10-15 years, the centre’s planning needs to adapt in tandem – with a shift in the type and quantum of facilities required for community, retail, entertainment, and business uses. Hornsby will strive to be an inclusive and healthy community, with access to social infrastructure and services that enable the community to thrive.

COX Associate, Lucian Hicks
This project requires collaboration to succeed. COX will be leading a multi-disciplinary consultant team that will work closely with local stakeholders to deliver appropriate facilities for the community, including Council, Westfield, Hornsby RSL and education and health providers.
Our recommendations propose the delivery of new community infrastructure and cultural facilities to meet and exceed the needs of the existing and future Hornsby community. The community will have greater opportunities in terms of culture, retail, entertainment and food and beverage experiences.
Community infrastructure will be designed with embedded flexibility that can change and respond to future needs. Facilities will need to cater to pre-school and school age children, young professionals, families, and downsizers.
The masterplan will also influence the creation of low emissions buildings that support the council’s zero emissions targets, residential towers to meet long-term dwelling targets set by state government, a network of green and connected public spaces, and a revamped transport hub that will reduce congestion.
Critical to the future success of Hornsby Town Centre is the planning, programming, and management of spaces for community and experience. These facilities and initiatives will serve as a platform for community building, cultural development and placemaking.
The Hornsby Town Centre draft masterplan is on exhibition until 30 September 2022.