Reflect – Reconciliation Action Plan
COX has engaged with a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) as a commitment to create a better future for all.
The primary objective of our RAP is to embed reconciliation into the heart of our practice. As we formally start this journey, we take the opportunity to critically reflect on our company’s relationship to Country and the constructed landscape.
Country is more than a place, Country is the land, the waterways, the sky, the people, and the enduring spirit of a place. If we care for Country, Country cares for us. Country is a living system and as an architectural practice we shape physical elements of Country, and we acknowledge that the active process of shaping the world around us disrupts Country. Our RAP is an opportunity to genuinely understand how we can offset the damage our work does and contribute to healing Country.
Reconciliation and meaningful change takes time. We commit to creating lasting relationships that both enrich our knowledge of place and people, and most importantly help to grow and positively impact on the Traditional Custodian communities we work with. Strong relationships will help cultivate who we are, the design process we partake in, and our design outcomes so that our projects have much more meaningful engagement with Country and Community.
Our RAP artwork was created by Adam Magennis. The paintings represent our journey, exploring what our cities could be if they were underpinned by First Nations Principles. The pieces express country as the interconnected whole where ecologies, spirit and story thrive.
Access our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan here.