City-Shaping: Construction to begin on Western Sydney Airport Metro Line

The integration of land use and transport is the single greatest contribution strategic planning can make to sustainability. This is achieved by reducing the reliance on the private motor vehicle by providing attractive, accessible and reliable alternative modes of transport. In this instance, the alternative provided is Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport and the comprehensive public transport network being planned to underpin the Western Parkland City. The Project has the potential to be truly transformative and city-shaping, providing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fully integrate land use, transport and infrastructure planning within Western Sydney. The COX, Mecone, JLL and LUTI Integrated Land Use and Urban Design study was just one piece of a contextual, wide-reaching study to determine the optimal locations for transport infrastructure within the critical economic and growth corridor of the Western Parkland City.
Investment in the Project will help drive a more diversified, resilient, competitive and sustainable economy within Greater Sydney and will generate substantial and lasting social and environmental benefits. The delivery of the Project provides the opportunity to plan for new growth centred around stations and destinations, facilitating a diverse supply of housing in areas supported by public transport and with access to health, education, employment, community and recreational opportunities. The principles of transit-oriented development will maximise the benefits of this major infrastructure investment in terms of dwelling and employment growth, while the principle of amenity oriented development will support the creation of sustainable, well-designed and compact station precincts that are aligned to the blue and green corridors that characterise the Parkland City.
The Integrated Land Use and Urban Design study was heavily informed by an innovative and thorough stakeholder engagement process led by COX. The Project’s study area encompasses significant strategic centres, health and education precincts, existing and future infrastructure corridors, planned projects, natural and built systems, and importantly many diverse communities. To ensure that these important inputs were captured in a meaningful way, a two-day intensive design charrette was undertaken as a key part of the stakeholder engagement process. This charrette was based on genuine collaboration to deliver outcomes that are enhanced by the expertise, experience and aspirations of over 60 participants, including representatives from all three tiers of government and international experts in transport, design and airport-driven development. The charrette facilitated connection and participation between planning, urban design, transport, environmental and government sectors to inform the development of holistic land use and urban design strategy for the corridor that will help shape the future Western Parkland City.