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COX Helps Shape the Vision for the Western Parkland City

Western Parkland City is an area projected to experience significant growth over the next 30 years. The Greater Sydney Commission predicts the current population of 740,000 to grow to 1.1 million by 2036, and to well over 1.5 million by 2056.

The City will be established on the strength of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis and the new International Western Sydney Airport, designed by COX Architecture and Zaha Hadid Architects. It will be a polycentric city capitalising on the established centres of Liverpool, Greater Penrith and Campbelltown-Macarthur.

COX was engaged by the Western City and Aerotropolis Authority to prepare visualisations to communicate the principles of the Parkland City and the vision for the Western City and Aerotropolis to all tiers of Government, stakeholders, future investors and importantly – the community.


The visualisations help to communicate a future for the Western Parkland City as a high-quality community that celebrates the natural landscapes through the built and natural fabric of the future City. It will be highly accessible with carefully planned amenities that fit within the Western Sydney landscape.

The planning for the Western Parkland City embraces emerging trends and technologies that will aid the city’s evolution, including biophilic design, autonomous vehicles, smart infrastructure and the green, blue and ochre grid for Western Sydney.

The visualisations are of key catalytic precincts and projects within the Western parkland City:

  • The Aerotropolis Core will be a multi-modal transport interchange where workers, residents and visitors can move to, through and within the Aerotropolis via metro, rail, autonomous rapid transit, on-demand bus, car share, bicycles and walking
  • The Aerotropolis Core CBD is the future economic centre for the Western Parkland City that will focus on advanced manufacturing, research and development and industry led educational facilities
  • The Wianamatta-South Creek Corridor will be a key regional recreational and environmental asset, affording increased pedestrian and cycling connectivity, rehabilitation of the creek corridor and its tributaries and enhanced amenity through more intimate interaction with water in the landscape

The Western City and Aerotropolis Authority is designing and overseeing delivery of the metropolitan centre of the Aerotropolis. The Authority is leading master planning and delivery of the Aerotropolis and will undertake planning for key strategic sites across the Western Parkland City.

South Creek is at the heart of the Western Parkland City, that will form a green spine of parks, walking and cycling trails, community facilities and ecological services including nutrient capture, urban cooling and local habitat.

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Rooty Hill, New South Wales