Sleepout for Homelessness: Help COX Staff Raise Money for Second Chance Programme
COX staff will be sleeping out on November 6th to raise money for the Second Chance Programme as part of Sleepout for Homelessness 2020.
Second Chance Programme is a charitable organisation set up in 2001 to raise awareness of the plight of homeless women and their children; as well as raise funds for registered charities, to provide them with comfortable housing and appropriate services to help these women regain control of their lives.
COX has long had a passion for alleviating homelessness through thoughtful design, having completed public housing projects over the years including Constance Street (pictured above) and Bonney Lane. COX believe that through coupling architecture with charity groups such as Youngcare, PIF and the Second Chance Programme, we can make a difference.
We would like to thank members of our COX Brisbane team who are participating – John Ferguson, Erin McDonald, James Ryan, Paige Lee and Rebecca Hunter.
Members of COX Brisbane also took part in a separate street sleep on October 29th, raising money for the Property Industry Foundation. We would like to thank Paige Lee, Remy Chard and Rebecca Hunter for their role in helping raise over $4000.
We understand this has been a difficult year for all, but if you can, please help support COX in the Sleepout for Homelessness 2020 by clicking here: