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Watch this space…

At Cox we greatly value the exchanges we have with the many and varied partners, clients and co-consultants we encounter in the course of our project lives. Added to this our role in city-building and public life also offers us insights and interactions which at first can appear quite ‘random’. One such happy accident was our encounter with Sujain Krishnan and his emerging brand, ‘the Melbourne Watch Company’.

Sujain’s was one of the first and most successful ‘new’ watch brands looking to disrupt the global watch industry by offering unique designs, classic cues and quality components to produce premium watches without the thousands of dollar usually required for price of entry into the ‘quality timepiece’ space. He did this first by using the ‘Kickstarter’ platform but the business has now quickly evolved into a self-sustaining ‘bricks and mortar’ opertion with a fine ‘showcase office’ located in central Melbourne.

What we like most about Sujain (in addition to his passion and success) was his desire to create a watch brand that was honest and true to its origins and didn’t take a short-cut and merely mimic the Euro heritage, Japanese techno-positioning or ‘disposable fashion forward’ approaches of many other ‘new’ watch brands. MWC’s existing portfolio consists of a range of styles, each referencing a Melbourne suburb as inspiration for its design.

Our mutual interests in design and our city represented a wonderful opportunity for collaboration and learning. The results are not merely aesthetic. Conceptually we collectively wanted develop something which went beyond the surface and offered both form and function which reflected the character and structure of ‘Melbourne’. At this stage of development, we have a few possible options and are working with Sujain and his team to really test the material, fabrication and movement parameters available to us…while staying within the ‘affordable premium’ envelope.

Watch this space, tempus fugit