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Wedgetail Facilities Programme RAAF Base Williamtown & Amberley

Williamtown, New South Wales& Amberley, Queensland

The wedgetail project brief comprises two new buildings and alterations and additions of existing facilities to meet the requirements of the project programme located at Williamtown RAAF base and Amberley RAAF base in Queensland.

COX has been commissioned by AECOM amongst a broad consultant team then engaged by the Commonwealth to deliver the SDR/DDR/FDR and Delivery phase for this project.

The broad capability requirement for AIR5077 Phase 6 is intended to assure the E-7A Wedgetail aircraft capability out to a Planned Withdrawal Date (PWD) of 2035-2040. The AIR5077 Phase 6 addresses improved radar performance to ensure effectiveness in the future threat environment, enhanced communications and data links. It will also ensure interoperability with emergent platforms, and system capabilities to support the additional roles of Integrated Fire Control (IFC) and Integrated Air & Missile Defence (IAMD).

In order to achieve the above, upgrades and additional facilities works are required to a series of facilities.

Our design features a contemporary series of work and training spaces that aim for state-of-the-art facilities and workplace environments. The building forms feature a minimized and efficient pallet of materials that form a sleek assemblage representative of aviation and movement.

Technical Information

Williamtown, New South Wales& Amberley, Queensland
In Association With
AECOM Canberra
Department of Defence
Complete, 2023
Key Consultants
Context Landscape Design