A Proposed 48-storey Tower for St Leonards

With an aim to strengthen the civic function of St Leonards, the planning proposal for 20-22 Atchinson Street puts forward a 48-storey mixed-use tower. The tower, with a 5-level podium and tower above, combines retail, commercial and residential.
To activate the ground plane, the design includes a residential lobby, commercial spaces and food and beverage opportunities.
With a mix of uses, the tower aims to reinforce Atchinson Street as a key destination in the town centre.

The site’s redevelopment will allow for a newly activated podium fronting onto the through-site link, creating a highly activated, permeable and pedestrian-friendly amenity.
20-22 Atchison Street sits around the topographical high point of St. Leonards. This opportunity influenced a tall and slender tower that steps down in scale and height from 617-621 Pacific Highway. It not only complements the current and proposed skyline but also creates an eye-catching form that benefits from its central location.
The podium footprint has been set back along both Atchison and Mitchell street to provide wider footpaths and greening of the public domain.

The proposal introduces a generous undercroft as well as outdoor seating and vertical structures that allow planting and greenery in line with the defining character of the linear park. The tower is set back from the podium on all elevations and emerges elegantly above the public domain.
The provision of flexible commercial space in this planning proposal supports growth in small-medium enterprises and/or medical and health for ancillary industries. The proposal provides opportunity to contribute to an enhanced Atchison Street and Oxley Street frontages by providing land uses that will create attractive and active interfaces with the public domain. With an aim to retain and strengthen the employment role of the site – the proposal imposes a minimum non-residential FSR control, specific to the site. This will ensure the site makes a positive contribution to jobs and economic growth.