Barangaroo Ferry Hub construction timelapse

Cox Architecture’s Barangaroo Ferry Hub, designed for Transport for NSW, is nearing completion and is expected to open mid 2017.
This timelapse footage shows the installation of the roof.
Cox were commissioned with Aurecon by Transport for New South Wales as designers for the concept design, documentation and administrative works for this new 3 pier ferry hub.
The hub is located on the western edge of the Sydney city CBD and is immediately adjacent the new mixed use Barangaroo development. The design team work with client and a broad range of stakeholders to resolve design and briefing requirements to create a design that builds upon the Sydney harbour ferries upgrade program and
provides an aesthetic reflective of the maritime qualities of Sydney and its iconic harbour.
The passenger interface was seen as primary and as such the interior experience was crafted to provide a seamless and sculptural environment providing weather protection, awareness to the aspects of Sydney harbour and efficient functional flows in a safe and secure context.
The overall ferry hub was designed for 3 piers each of 75 x 25m and 2 are under construction as part of phase 1. The design features a limited palette of robust materials that provide a public domain interface and a proven attitude towards maintainability.
Along with the design team work on the wharfs, the landside component involved significant interface with BDA for servicing and landscape integration, as well as investigations into pedestrian management and crowd control in event modes, resulting in landside design of information and ticketing kiosks and queue control measures external to the wharfs.
The project was design and documented during 2014-15 and is now under construction due for completion in 2017.