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Creating a Sustainable and Inclusive Community at Subiaco East

Subiaco East, a site rich in Indigenous and European history, is poised to undergo a remarkable transformation. The vision for Subiaco East is not just about development; it’s about crafting a place where history, culture, and sustainability converge to create a vibrant and inclusive community.

Connecting Past and Present

At the heart of Subiaco East’s vision is the Landscaped Village Green, a unifying element that bridges the two lots while paying homage to the Indigenous landscape and art. This green space is more than just a park; it’s a testament to our commitment to creating a sense of place and community. Subiaco East’s design will not just be about buildings; it will be about a sustainable, welcoming environment that feels connected to the land and the broader precinct.

A Nod to History

The transition from Podium to Tower takes inspiration from the former Subiaco Oval grandstand. This ‘tiered’ approach delivers a distinct built form, characterised by a rich and textured material palette that respects the heritage gates. Community-focused retail spaces around the Plaza will promote socialising and activation, ensuring that Subiaco East is more than just a residential area—it’s a hub for social interaction.

Diversity and Affordability

Diversity in dwelling types, tenure, and affordability is a cornerstone of Subiaco East’s vision. We understand that a community thrives when it accommodates a broad range of residents. Subi East’s development will offer housing options to suit various needs, including intergenerational living and aging in place.

A Vision of Sustainability

Sustainability is not a mere afterthought but a fundamental aspect of our vision for Subiaco East. Both Lot 1 and Lot 2 will be designed to meet minimum Green Star ratings of 5-star and 4-star, respectively. Our design strategy prioritises efficiency and an exceptional living environment, focusing on resilience, positivity, and health.

Passive solar architecture will ensure thermal comfort and reduced energy consumption, while natural ventilation opportunities will improve air quality and occupant comfort. Sustainability won’t end at practical completion; we have operational performance targets, including 5-Star NABERS energy and 4.5-Star NABERS water ratings, as well as a commitment to waste reduction and carbon neutrality.

A Sustainable Future

Subiaco East’s vision is not just about achieving ratings; it’s about a sustainability pathway that enhances operational efficiency and benefits the health and well-being of all occupants. Our project targets encompass Green Star certifications, NABERS ratings, and a commitment to carbon-neutral operations.

Our design aspirations include embedded meter networks, high-efficiency irrigation systems, centralised hot water, on-site renewable energy generation, and the avoidance of fossil fuels. Sustainability extends to public spaces and place-making initiatives, ensuring that Subiaco East is not just a development but a thriving, sustainable community.

Subiaco East’s vision is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of history, culture, and sustainability. It’s a place where the past and present unite to create a vibrant and inclusive community that thrives for generations to come.


CSL Global Headquarters/Elizabeth North Stage 2

Melbourne, Victoria

2 Market Street

Sydney, New South Wales

150 Lonsdale

Melbourne, Victoria