Project Contact
Ramin Jahromi
Brooke Lloyd
Chloe Leuenberger
Chris Koustoubardis
Felipe Miranda
Harris Paneras
Matthew Bolton
Milan Kalapis
Tom Pinyon
Daisy Parto
Precinct 75
St Peters, New South Wales

The birthplace of an Australian creative icon, Taubmans Paint, Precinct 75 in St Peters is imbued with innovation and ingenuity – an ideal place for the creation of a new way of rental living in Australia. Following the build-to-rent model, where the building will be entirely available for rent but held in a single entity, Precinct 75 layers amenity with long term, high-quality housing, creating a rental property that feels like home.
The design proposes a collection of new and retained buildings. Conceptually, the site is viewed as two equal halves, residential and commercial/light industrial, stitched together by an activated ground plane and extensive public realm improvements.

The masterplan creates a precinct that delivers a high-level of amenity, legibility, and permeability throughout the site. Makers Way and the precinct laneways open the site to the surrounding neighbourhood to the east to Edith Street, west to Mary Street, and south to Roberts Street.
Communal spaces draw inspiration from the refined ambiance of premium hotels. It’s not an exercise in checking off boxes, instead each amenity is a thoughtful result of extensive research into the desires and values of the local community. This stands in contrast to conventional build-to-sell approaches, putting a keen focus on accessibility, quality, and long-term usability. We go beyond the ordinary, ensuring each resident experiences an environment that not only meets their immediate needs but contributes to a lasting a fulfilling living experience.

The public domain structure is the focal point of the masterplan. Our vision is to create a well-connected, high quality, functional and flexible open space network centred around a new heart for Precinct 75.
A diverse range of public spaces, green spaces and parks are located throughout the precinct to encourage a range of recreational and passive activities within proximity and adjacency to an activated ground floor retail, residences and workplaces.