Rouse Hill Town Centre Retail Expansion
Rouse Hill Town Centre, New South Wales
Located 40 Kilometres north-west of Sydney’s bustling CBD, Rouse Hill is a suburb within the pulse of Sydney’s unfolding expansion. With a current population of 7000, it’s at the precipice of a significant transformation. Propelled by ongoing developments facilitated by the Northwest Rail Link and Bus Rapid Transit Service, Rouse Hill is slated for an evolution, projecting an anticipated population surge to 500,000 within the next 25 years.
Stage 1 of the Rouse Hill Town Centre was opened in March 2008 and is a $470million major master planned urban development project serving as the regional centre for a substantial urban catchment, catering for the future demands of Sydney’s northwest.
Spanning an area of 120 hectares, the development incorporates retail, offices, restaurants, community space, a library, a council office, educational and entertainment facilities, multi-storey car parking, a bus interchange, as well as residential buildings.
In May of 2015 COX was successful in their bid to provide the architectural services for the Northern Expansion Precinct to the Rouse Hill Town Centre. The $220 million development serves as an expansion to the existing centre.
Located immediately to the north, stage two comprises an area of approximately 10 hectares with the focus on designing a retail centre around a public open space named the Town Green.
The development will include:
- A mixed retail offering including a major department store, mini-majors and speciality stores
- Incorporation of a significant network of public spaces including a town green
- Residential and commercial development above the podium with dedicated lobby and parking spaces
- Basement car parking for retail, commercial and residential uses
COX as the lead consultant for the Northern Expansion is currently responsible for the design, tender documentation, coordination, and integration within the design of all services that include all design disciplines, in order to provide a complete design and refinement of the masterplan.