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COX, as Part of Sydney-based Design Team, Shortlisted for Powerhouse Ultimo Design Competition

COX, Neeson Murcutt Neille, Other Architects, Hector Abrahams Architects, Sue Barnsley Design and Arup make up one of five design teams selected to participate in the Design Competition to renew Powerhouse Ultimo. Part of the NSW Government’s investment of up to $500 million for the museum, the redevelopment will deliver new and refurbished exhibition and public spaces with opportunities to re-orient the Powerhouse to the Goods Line, connecting the city and surrounding precincts.

(Above: Australian Museum Project Discover, completed by COX and Neeson Murcutt and Neille.)

A collaborative line-up of Sydney-based practices, our team has a high level of investment in the vitality of the city, paired with significant experience in public domain design, public building design, museum curation, heritage interpretation, landscapes, and sustainability. We collectively believe that successful public projects are founded in a nuanced sensitivity to place and that Country provides the foundation for a future Ultimo Powerhouse in its embodiment of place, ecology, and people.

Australian Museum Project Discover

Sydney, New South Wales

National Maritime Museum of China

Tianjin, China

Oman Across Ages Museum

Muscat, Oman

Queensland Museum Refurbishment

South Brisbane, Queensland

Sir John Monash Centre

Villers Bretonneux, France

Waltzing Matilda Centre

Winton, Queensland

Australian Age of Dinosaurs

Winton, Queensland