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Project Contact

Andrew Hayes

Amy Banfield

Caroline Miller

Georgia Stergiopoulos

Irene O’Sullivan

Jessica Dootjes

Julio Brenes Bolanos

Karen Unkles

Katie Cooper

Kyle Walker

Linden Maginness

Livee Tan

Liz Miles

Lucasta Clothier-Fairs

Margherita Portelli

Mark Fenollar

Melanie Pok

Olivia Rumbold

Paul Hudson

Stephanie Wan Hok Chee

Wei Ooi

Sir Louis Matheson Library

Monash University, Caulfield East, Victoria

The major redevelopment of the Sir Louis Matheson Library has transformed an essential facility into an attractive and engaging learning-research environment for students and academics, and an enhanced and efficient workplace for staff. With an increased student capacity and a rich array of formal and informal learning settings, the Library invites visitors on a journey of discovery and delight within an environment showcasing unique historic items and fine art pieces. 

Functionally, the redevelopment broadens the Library’s appeal to students, researchers and external guests, providing improved services, user comfort and wayfinding. The needs of contemporary students are met through a suite of settings catering for individual, quiet study as well as group-based, active learning complemented by the seamless, subtle integration of modern technologies. 

With an enhanced entrance complemented by a new café, the Library now sits prominently as the reinvigorated academic hub and emotional heart of Monash University’s Clayton campus.  

This suite of design interventions provides transparency into teaching spaces and study areasreveals the working library and creates a catalyst for increased engagement with staff and the library’s collections.

Technical Information

Monash University, Caulfield East, Victoria
Monash University
Key Consultants
Hansen Yuncken
Gross Floor Area
Dianna Snape