Project Contact
Lachlan Abercrombie
Andrew Hosking
Ian Connolly
Ian Sutter
John Ferendinos
Jonathan Gardiner
Patrick Ness
Philip Rowe
Simon Haussegger
Tommy Miller
Andrew Marlow
Andrew Stacey
Bettina Bartos
Bob Meyer
Brian Renehan
Brigon Munkholm
Cathy Zhu
Cheryl Lee
Clare Hews
Gillian Davis
James Farmakidis
Katerina Roth
Michael Gentin
Nicholas McLeod
Nicola Weimann
Phillip Witts
Rebecca Gaylor
Rohan Nayer
Shari Davies
Siong Vui Choong
Sydney Ma
Tim Atkinson
Wei Ooi
Gosford Challenge
Gosford, New South Wales
Gosford played a major role in the Greater Sydney Metropolitan Strategy – yet diminished as other regional cities grew. The Gosford Challenge was established in 2008 with the goal of revitalising the central coast town and realising its potential as a world class, waterfront city.
COX was employed by Joint Project Sponsors – Central Coast Regional Development Corporation and the Gosford City Council – as the design partner to join a team including supporting consultants, development experts and international community consultation specialists.
The final Gosford City Centre Master Plan, ‘Our City, Our Destiny’, was developed with the community over a 24-month period including a six-day intensive design charette. The resulting master plan included a spatial framework, key elements, networks and most importantly an implementation plan that nominates projects to transform the city over a 20-year period.
‘Our City, Our Destiny’ secured unparalleled community support winning the RH Doherty Award for Excellence in Communication. COX also prepared the master plan, public domain and development controls for 6,500 new residential dwellings and 10,000 new jobs in Gosford City Centre.