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Project Contact

Joe Agius

Adrian Taylor

Charlie Chen

Claudio Aravena Mesías

Dtai Hansathit

Lauren Smith

Leanne Mitchell

Matte Ager-McConnell

Nick Tyrrell

Nikko Sudirman

Rachel Rutherfurd

Sandra Pamplona Gascón

Tijana Papandrea

Trent Schatzmann

Forensic Medicine & Coroners Court Complex

Lidcombe, New South Wales

The Forensic Medicine and Coroners Court Complex (FMCCC), the largest coroner’s court and forensic medicine facility in Australia, provides services related to unexpected and unexplained deaths in our community.

For this reason, the primary motivation for the building’s design was to create an environment that would be sensitive to the experience of visitors in stressful situations. The FMCCC is an easily identifiable and positive space offering respect and dignity for both the deceased and those seeking answers.


The building celebrates nature, and the ideas of growth and life. The design includes a strong use of colour psychology – with focus on the colour green. Green is typically read as calming and expresses the ideas of renewal and harmony. This has been incorporated into various parts of the facades including the sculptural perforated shade fins on the west side of the building.

Feature spaces include the entrance atrium, courtroom waiting areas, and viewing spaces that celebrate daylight access, landscape views, and public art installations in selected locations. COX’s methodology was strongly embraced by the New South Wales State Government in the hope that the building will help families and staff who work in demanding and often emotionally challenging situations.

COX Director Nick Tyrrell

Surrounded by landscaped gardens, the facility references ideas of growth and nature, and at the same time enriches the public realm.

The complex’s high-tech facilities ensure more comprehensive and timely investigations can be undertaken into sudden and unexplained deaths. Due to the size of the FMCCC, it can also cater to complex cases and disasters involving mass casualties.


Kathlyn Loseby, New South Wales chapter president of the Australian Institute of Architects.

The Forensic Medicine & Coroners Court Complex is an example of how quality architecture can benefit everyone, as it provides a positive experience for both staff and visitors through innovative design detail.

Technical Information

Lidcombe, New South Wales
In Association With
Silver Thomas Hanley
NSW Health Infrastructure
Key Consultants
Cardno, Arup, Warren Smith, Jacobs, Steenson Varming, Site Image
Gross Floor Area
12,000 m2
Tyronne Branigan